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Who's Unorthodox? 


Hey! I'm glad you stopped by.


Let me take a minute to introduce myself. Most of my friends and family know me as Lori, and that's me over to the right. I should go ahead and warn you that I’m loud, passionate and God`Tagious. I love to talk, but mostly about Jesus and to make people laugh at our unorthodox life stories. They are Real, Rare and God`Tagious!


Seriously I'm so loud, sometimes people will Shhh me, but I hate to be Shhhed!  I adore my mother and my daughter in laws, they are Superwoman to me or super-warriors. Either way, they are fabulous!


I drink a lot of black coffee and tea, unsweet of course! 


I don't think I have a favorite color but if I did, I wear a lot of black.  I'm not a professor, I'm just ordinary. I don't have any special initials behind my name. I majored in the life of Hard Knocks and went to Life University.


I’m terrified of social media but love Pinterest. In my other life, I was a nurse for twenty plus years.  If this writing gig doesn't work out for me, I can always fall back on my nursing. 



I love our Unorthodox Life. Our family was formed in the most unorthodox ways. I did not know what was coming, but I love it all the more. Arnold and I never seen our life as a failure. But it’s been a journey. 


About six years ago, my husband took a new position which landed us in new territory. Not realizing the impact this move would make on our family, or how it would change my life. We did what we usually do, faced it head on, and moved. 


Nevertheless, even though we didn't have all the details, God did. 


Jumping forward a few years. 


I had recently changed careers since moving and poured myself into that job.  I thought it was God's plan, but quickly realized it wasn't. I can't believe it, but I quit my job. I know, crazy right.  I was confused and angry. What am I was supposed to do now God? But God spoke and said, "it's time." I was in church the following morning after quitting my job.That's when  I heard God say, "It's time, write the book."  I quickly responded to God, "Which story do you want me to tell first?" Silently laughing...


Let me explain... 

There were so many stories and trials, I didn't know where to begin. But it started somewhere in the middle of becoming a mommy at fifteen and marrying thirty years ago. The pressure was building and before we knew it, we were making life-changing decisions as teenagers. By the time we were eighteen we had been through a fire, a flood, and the death of our son. There would be years of torment, despair, and depression. Until I would realize our family was under attack from Satan. I desperately starting fighting with every part of my being. Fighting for my marriage and my family. In the middle of that desperation, I sought God. Despite the impossibilities, God would make a way!


Our love story is Unorthodox! That is true, but it's Real, Rare and God`Tagious!


Over the years God flipped this marriage. I was becoming more like Jesus and it was changing our family. I would share my stories, give my testimony, and encourage others by telling them what God had done in our lives and how he was changing us. Their eyes would light up and I could see hope. God was working not only for me but using me to inspire others.  If God could do it for me, then He can do it for you! God is no respecter of persons. Period. 


Many times people would say,  " You need to write a book." And I would say, "sure someday." Secretly thinking, Really ...No, you don't understand. I could never write a book.  I'm Uneducated and Unqualified! And did I really want to turn my dress up for the whole world to see?  No!


Being transparent is not easy. It's downright Scary... But if we are willing, God takes our transparency and uses it for others to triumph. God is a strategist and in 2016 He put His plan into action. That's when I heard him say... start at the beginning with, "The Gift." I immediately went to work. Not knowing the first thing about writing a book. God had strategically brought me to a place in time where He could use me more. I work for Him now and He gets all the glory. He calls the unqualified and qualifies them to do His work. I could never do this on my own, It is only by God's grace that I am who I am today!


 If and when you hear me speak or read some of my writings, you might think, “I can’t believe she said that ” I was probably only exaggerating. But then again... chances are God is still working on me too. I am not perfect and neither is my stories. I love being real and telling our stories with humor and making others laugh. It is my coping mechanism for this life’s unorthodox twists. As I become real and share my stories, God comes alive and we become His treasured possession, Rare. God takes the real and rare and makes it God` Tagious for the Kingdom of God. Propelling both of us, you and me.


Our pain and suffering are real and I never want to make light of what anyone has walked through.  But when we allow God to heal us that's when everything changes. He takes our pain and suffering and creates " Shining Moment" for the Glory of God. 


Arnold and I are still married today after thirty plus years. God has rescued, redeemed and restored our marriage. Our three sons are all grown and married now. They love the Lord and married the most precious women of God. I have two of the most amazing grandbabies you can image. Our family is still growing and I can't wait to meet our next grandbaby! 


I spend my most of my days of late learning how to launch my book The Gift and become a  better writer. I'm still learning on this writing journey. I find it hard to write some days but I find it hard not too...


In my spare time, I'm serving my family, helping with the grandbabies, and leading a support group for young women facing unplanned pregnancies and reading everything I can get my hands on.  I will be turning 5O soon. I don’t know what God has in store for us, but I bet it's going to be good. 


Well... enough about me. My hope is that our story has inspired and encouraged you. Maybe your thinking, "how did they do it?" God is redefining us!  If you want to know more about how God redefined me and my family, follow my new blog Real Rare and God`Tagious. As I share the real unorthodox stories about how I grew closer to my Heavenly Father, and He has grown closer to me over the last thirty years.  He has taken this little girl, the diamond in the rough, and made her who she is today, and He will do the same for you! 


I thank God for you and your interest in our story. If you need prayer, I would love to pray for you. Maybe like us you too have and an incredible story or want to share some of your Shining Moments with us, I would love to hear them and connect with you!


In Him I wait, 




Lori author and speaker 
1986 Wedding Photo
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